In the background, under the car port is some of the old studio equipment, which had been brought from the farm site, and set up in one of the studios, to help the presenters with the transition between the new automated playout system, which is all computerised, and their old system of inserting CD's and tapes.
The day I visited with Monica this old, but still useful equipment was being donated to another Christian ministry in Lusaka, as all the CVC presenters have been trained and are now becoming more familiar with their new studios.
Also under the car port is a waterfeature. The water runs from the top of the ball, into the bowls and is pumped back to the top again. The sound and movement of the running water is a refreshing backdrop to the busy, dusty main road in the heart of Lusaka:
Here are a few photos and a brief summary from the day of the launch - Thursday 17th July 2008...
The programme included a choir from the Copperbelt, and several others musical items:

The building was offically opened by the Honorable Mike Mulongoti, Minister of Information and Broadcasting:

Green and white balloons were released into the sky, by the staff:
Afterwards a buffet lunch was held outside, but I don't think the grasshopper was supposed to be on the menu:

Outside again, CV had to pay for the relocation of a new bus stop, as the previous one had to be demolished to make way for the entrance to the site. Only in Zambia will you see a bus stop like this one...
... Since I took this photo, the white seat backs have been painted with a large green CVC - there's nothing like a bit of (free?) advertising!

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