Friday, December 7, 2007

Fence update

Last Friday I wrote about the perimeter fence to the studios being built in Cape Town.

I said that the workmen had finished about 3.30pm, being a Friday afternoon. But then, around 5pm a lorry arrived and unloaded piles of bricks, so maybe the workmen had run out of bricks, and I had misjudged them!

Nothing more happened until Monday morning, but on Tuesday it looked like this...
and today at 3.30pm, with no workmen in sight and three days later, the wall looked like this...

Hmm - not much different!

However, on the other side of the property, by the car park, there has been much activity. A digger excavated for the footings, and today concrete was poured ready for bricklaying to commence on Monday morning...

In addition, the existing wall, in front of the building is being altered and extended. Here the workmen are making a channel to house cabling for the new electric gate...

On a related topic, Andy had mentioned that the gardener would be coming at some point this week to tidy up our small yard and cut back a very spikey and severely overgrown cactus.

On Thursday as I returned from my early morning run, I saw him working near the new fence, clearing away some overgrown bushes. However, he was working on the wrong side of the wall, cutting back the bushes where the plover birds had been nesting. When I saw him I wondered if he had misunderstood what he had been asked to do. He said had been told to clear by the wall and to see me about gaining access to our yard. I pointed out that the area he had just cleared was not actually part of the land belonging to CVC, but not wanting to disappoint him I said that I thought the Council would be very appreciative of his work (I didn't mention the nesting birds!).

I then opened the gate and he worked in our small yard, which was very overgrown. This is a photo of next door's yard - our's looked very similar to it before it had been cleared...

Now our yard looks like this... much better.

As you can see, although still small, our yard is twice the size of next door's and it was twice as overgrown with weeds. The lower branches of the large cactus had grown right across the first patio window and covered the steps. I had never been able to get outside through those doors and people sleeping in that bedroom had commented about the strong broad leaves banging against the window, when it was windy. I had done some weeding a while ago, but didn't have any gardening tools to dig out long roots or cut back the cactus. However, I did have some strong gloves (which I had bought for use on the Habitat project), and I lent them to the gardener.

So now the yard looks lovely and tidy and anyone sleeping in that room should have a better night's sleep.

Incidentally, I'm not using American English, I am calling it a 'yard' not a garden, because to me, a yard is an area of paving - it could also be called a patio, but I would use that word for an area of paving which looked out over a garden. A garden is somewhere with plants and grass, and as you can now see the only plant in our 'yard' is the cactus. It's not very pretty to look out on, but much better now. It is also very hot for sitting in, after midday, when it is in full sun, until after 4pm, when the wall casts a shaddow, making it cooler. I sometimes sit out there in the late afternoon to read and write in my notebook, but I can generally only stand it for about an hour, now that summer has at long last arrived.

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