For the non-dancer they are a great way to get moving in worship; the material takes the attention off the user and helps to keep the focus on the One we worship, rather than ourselves. I made some flags experimenting with different sizes and weights of material, and in my church encouraged people to use them as an expression of their worship. Sometimes I helped to choreograph simple pieces for presentation at services and Alpha courses, and was part of joint churches events through the streets and in public venues.

David Stanfield the inventor and visionary teacher of banners internationally is standing on the left (yes, he has half a beard - another story!). David is a flamboyant character, which you see by his colourful shirts, but he had great sensitivity and awareness in worship. You can find out more at . Georgie Brodie, a tiny lady with a big intercessor's heart is next to him. She personified 'My Utmost for His Highest' (Oswald Chambers), lead a workshop on spiritual warfare and also taught in the main sessions.
Banners were also used at the AGM for CDFSA, which was held one evening. This is prayer for the national committee after they were elected to serve for the next two years.
The word 'banner', is used in scripture, rather than flag. A banner is anything which is lifted up to declare the word of the Lord. It is a physical act of a spiritual truth; the material itself does not hold any significance, and infact almost anything can be used as a banner.
One time, I helped to organise a special children's event at Walsall Football Club, as part of the year 2000 celebrations. More than 100 children ran onto the pitch carrying a large piece of packing card above their heads, which had been painted red on both sides. We did a simple routine using the song by Doug Horley 'We want to see Jesus lifted high, a banner that flies across the land...', Then the pieces of card were placed on the ground to spell out the name JESUS in bold red letters across the pitch. It was a way of declaring the truth in our town and the banner had great spiritual significance.
Having recently not been involved much with banners, I found the banner workshops reinforced and extended my understanding of their use and renewed a desire to use them more in worship. David's emphasis was on using them corporately, so that together they bring unity and order. These were aspects that I had thought little about until now. He also used them prophetically, demonstrating how diffferent designs can be used in prayer. I found this very powerful and experienced such a release in my own life through one particular example. Again, there is no power in the banner itself, but combined with the prayer, the act of raising it up and using it as a declaration of the presence of God, it releases spiritual power into the situation.
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