I love my digital camera. Being able to take as many photos as I want, download them onto the computer and then choose the ones I want for this blog and other outlets, is a wonderful facility - which is almost free!
I rarely delete any photos, and find that looking through my photo record, after downloading, actually reminds me of the activity or event, especially of the things I've forgotten, which are sometimes the most interesting.
- What's this? Snow in Zambia?
Of course not! It's actually tiny polystyrene balls, which blew right across the site, when the packing boxes for the windows were opened. The new grass made an ideal landing place for the 'snow cloud', but it will be very difficult to sweep up!
- How many people can you get on the back of a (Zambian) lorry?
Obviously, always one more!
- June in Zambia is quite cold:
We have had a fire in the evening recently.
- This is where cream of tartar comes from:
It is the seed pod of the Boabab tree - commonly known as the upside down tree:
- Steve ordered a 'Sweat' and Sour Chicken pizza off a menu:
He said it was delicious!
- This is how your chicken comes in Zambia:
Anyone for lungs, heart, liver and feet! I do put everything except the feet into a stock.
- This is a Zambian 'motor' bike:
Two litres of petrol lasts two weeks!
- Finally, what should have started this posting:
In seven local languages.