We are now back in Cape Town, after spending Christmas and New Year in the UK. Our night flight was delayed at Heathrow for two hours, making an already long flight even longer.
As the plane was coming into Cape Town I took this photo of Robben Island, much closer and from a different angle to the one on the outward journey. The view across to Table Mountain was not so clear as that day before Christmas: Cape Town is a very windy place, especially in the summer. The South Easterlies are very strong and therefore windsurfing and kitesurfing are both very popular sports. The best place for these wind driven sports is Table Bay, which is also a popular spot to watch the sunset.

However, the last few times we have visited Table Bay at the end of the day, it has been almost too windy to get out of the car. We venture across the wooden walk ways only to have our legs stung by the sand, as it is blown along the beach. The expedition lasts about two minutes before we cannot stand the battering, hurrying back to the car for shelter.
So this photo was taken from the car, but shows seven kitesurfers taking advantage of the winds with the wind rushing over Table Mountain in the background: