They also had three different trees, spread around the house:

But as often happens on Christmas Day, when we have enjoyed a large dinner, the creatively decorated Christmas cake, wasn't cut into, that day:

Even the Tibetan Terrier, Archie, joined in the fun:
It was lovely to spend a couple of days with just the boys, catching up with all their news. My mum came over for dinner one day and then on Friday we had my extended family gathering, over at my younger sister's house in Chase Terrace. Although it was overcast, the rain held off and we wrapped up against the biting wind as we walked round Chasewater, a large reservoir used for watersports. Andy missed the walk, as he had had a very early start to pick up his mum and return her to Walsall.
We then watched a slide show of my neice's round the world trip, earlier this year, exchanged gifts, shared a meal and played a very complicated game - a modern version of the detective game Cluedo. We were able to take our dog, Lady, with us and she really enjoyed the long walk, plus another short walk 'round the block'.
It had been my older sister 's birthday the day before, so she blew out one candle...

Then yesterday (Saturday) we took Adam back to London, calling at his previous flat to pick up several items that he couldn't carry on the underground.
On our journey through Central London we passed Nelson's Column...
...with South Africa House behind it.

The Houses of Parliament are huge ornate buildings, also known as the Palace of Westminster.

Our route then followed the River Thames...

...crossing the Vauxhall Bridge, with the modern MI6 building on the left (home of fictitious character James Bond):

This strange piece of modern architecture, in Vauxhall, which represents a launching pad, reminds me of the unfinished elevated road in Cape Town:

The next move was only a short distance away, to Islington High Street. This is just outside the Congestion Zone for vehicles driving into Central London who have to pay a fee. This second floor flat was above a shop and Adam's room was on the third floor. Then in July he moved south of the River Thames, over the Vauxhall Bridge, to a spacious ex-council flat, on the third floor. Again, this is just outside the Congestion Zone.

He certainly keeps fit carrying his bike up and down four flights of stairs every day, not to mention the cycling around London, which is free!